Wednesday, 2 November 2011

My seventh day of illness.

I have entered nearly a week of my bug. I have been under the weather for about a week and a half. Lucky me eh? I have a blocked right ear, coughs every now and then and a rather runny nose, it's like it doesn't want to be part of my body anymore! There's slight wooziness when i get up and walk around, but i feel i can walk around now so i'm recovering but can't really smell anything and my nose isn't red so i suppose that's a bonus and i'll be able to face college tomorrow (bearing drugs, airwaves and a million tissues of course!) but my temperature's still a bit shady so will have to wear something practical for my temperature and the weather, keeping in mind our own weather changes just as much as mine these days pah!
this is me in my chilly mode.


  1. Sometimes it's good not to be able to smell anything :}

    And just much does a million tissues weigh?

    Finally, come on over to Canada - our temperatures are great right now!

  2. Miserable things colds, hope it goes away soon.

  3. Yes that can be a good thing! But not good when i'm not able to breathe efficiently so i had to bug everyone by breathing through my mouth loudly haha, and it weighs about...a medium sized cushion. My temperature is more boiling right now i have to keep stripping to just one layer!

    Thank you Snafu i'm on the mend and fighting the horrid bug!
