Tuesday 4 October 2011

I'm going to tell you about my day at college...

Right so now today was the third day in which i woke up (for no reason at all) at 4.00am. Now i'm deffinately not happy about this, the first night was understandable because i woke up from overheating, yes that's right overheating in England! Who would of thought....and now it seems to be a pattern emerging and i'm missing out on about 30 minutes of sleep a night. Anyway, average tiresome day with three hours of English literature where we are reading the great gatsby and i find it quite interesting, and did an example of an exam question. Then three hours of psychology ending the first study we've been nit picking, and (here's the juicy part) when we have 20-25 minute breaks i have a group of new friendlings one is an old friend from my dance school, so there's about five of us sometimes a few others, and we chat and throw banter and jokes about (all girls by the way, as i have a boyfriend i don't require to make friends with other males) and one of us decided to exchange numbers incase we get lost and just because we are kind of friends now. My response in my head was; OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD I HAVE NEW FRIENDS! I DID IT I'VE FINALLY GOT SOMEONE ELSES NUMBER WITHOUT STALKING THEM! OH MY GOD!

So yes a very good productive day, untill another morrow chaps.


  1. Always nice to find new friends. I never got on with The Great Gatsby -
    checkout my 'ammended' blog, just for you.

  2. We've been having some overheating here too, but not complaining; snow will come soon enough!

    Hope your college days continue to be productive!
