Friday 28 October 2011

Oops i sneezed again..

Yes that's right I've caught a germ. Well it shouldn't surprise me i haven't been ill since April so i was due for this, and at least this time it's not at Christmas, but it's made me behind on my college work and stops me going out in public. I first realised i was ill yesterday when my throat was on fire, so i got suspicious then half way through the day i was sniffing. Yep a bit o both. But today it's a flood of the sniffles, making me sofa bound, and not capable of doing my work as my brain is clogged up with snot. I'm supposed to be seeing my best friend tomorrow. Without making her ill and without looking like i'm about to die. Sunday i'm supposed to be seeing my boyfriend for our anniversary, it's not going to look pretty if i have a red nose like Rudolf and tissues stuffed up my sleeves like a magician. I've taken a picture of my survival kit to show you what i'm fighting this with; Left to right-Phone, drugs, cup of water, box of tissues, tv remote, cup of soup-golden vegetable, airwaves, custard/rice pots, white magnum style ice cream and my favourite teddy.


  1. What more could a sick girl ask for? Well, maybe a few hugs - so sending some your way! ooooxxxx Get better soon!

  2. i know right all my favourite things when i'm ill and curled up on the sofa with my cats either side of me, that's nice, yes but people probably don't want to hug me haha but thank you :) xxx

  3. Get well soon and try not to pass it on to your mum. I've not had golden vegetable cup-a-soup for a long time, must get some..

  4. Thank you i'm still battling it on my sixth day and i'm trying not to pass it on, had a few days off college :/ it's very nice with a tad of milk and a few slices of bread :)
